Our Strategy

Our strategy is built upon a foundation of comprehensive elements designed to inform our actions and achieve our mission.

At its core lies a compelling strategic narrative, articulating the issue we are addressing and our response, outputs, outcomes and impact with clarity and purpose. This narrative serves as the guiding light, inspiring and aligning our stakeholders towards a common objective. Complementing this narrative are strategic pillars, robust frameworks that outline the key areas of focus essential achieving our mission. These pillars provide structure and direction, ensuring that our efforts are concentrated where they will yield the greatest impact.

Central to our strategy is our theory of change, a dynamic framework that elucidates the pathways through which our activities lead to desired short-term and long-term outcomes. This leads to better planning, in that activities are linked to a detailed understanding of how change actually happens. It also leads to better evaluation, as it is possible to measure progress towards the achievement of longer-term goals that goes beyond the identification of program outputs. Finally, our strategy identifies priority impact areas that align with United Nations SDGs, pinpointing the critical domains where our interventions will generate meaningful and sustainable change.